Thursday, 14 October 2010

Expanding Horizons (Realism)

this here blogging is a new thing for me, I've never kept a diary, wrote anything for the joy of it, in fact, unless i have had to - now being no different :D - i ain't. I understand why other people do such, self-reflection, release.... - personally im bored out of my mind right now and ive only written.. what 3 lines. oh sister..

I want to be changing things, building! learning! enjoying life - it seems a wasteful almost to be sat typing out my thoughts. things that have literally crossed my mind ages ago by the time my fingers can catch up - maybe its ADHD - but i don't think so - i can physically sit for hours but, mentally, this feels like im trying to swim though ? honey... now im hungry :) ...a slow boring process were i have to put in everything and get out...? well exactly what this is, a pretty box with the snapshots of my mind Ive just put in. when do i lvl up?

right, realism, what is reality? our perception? what is that - you mean what is my perception - who am i?

what am i? im not a liver, a kidney, muscles, and all together those.. "things" are just that, a collection of independently useless tissues. im a make believe. a trick. an interface for society. a construct of a few billion cells supported by a few trillion more, i don't know these cells, i don't control them, they control me, puppeteers, their all interdependent, each cell has its own castle if u will, its own role to play, and their little games make mee - the lie. my reality is noise, electrical impulses sent and received.

Thats our reality, pulses, it matters not the how of times rotating gears or who turns them, why things go up or down. the media that surrounds us is irrelevant all reality is electricity.

the insane are badly organized signals.
and the brilliant.. probably even more unorganized - but lucky
show us sounds, show us pictures, throw us off a cliff - the signal doesn't change

to the cell, nothings changed, they divide, the old die, they don't care, why care? ure dead in an hour - DO YOUR DUTY, HELP OTHERS, because were all the same and like the simple cell a being dies. but perhaps.. if were lucky, in a hundred years, when everyone living now, everyone we care for, every great artist, every man made lost in their scrambled signals - is dust

perhaps those cells we pushed from our bodies - will grow, go forthwith and multiply

everything we hear, see, smell, taste, feel just varies our signal. the uncanny valley? somewhere in our brains the "human" sensor is getting some strange vibrations and passing the word to watch the f**k out.

so in conclusion, to us, a non believer in any kind of spirituality. to understand realism, to understand what is "real" we must first realize that "me" is not solid concept. Everything stems from a saved "signals" - basic experiences for all futures to be compared against. as humans i think we have every strong sense of whats "real" and a overly complex "me" -which has created our beautiful culture- id hazard that this is perhaps due to our prolonged lives as infants - physiologists always say that this is what defies a person (their experiences as a child). we learn what is right and wrong, that we don't float into space. we (those billions of cells) take all those exciting buzzes - familiarize themselves with em - and this construct of "me" takes it and runs with it - mostly oblivious to its own quip - or lying to itself with either denial or spirituality, to cover these plot holes and spoilers.

that's why video games rule! i can get some new fresh! buzzing signals to index. which again, practically, to us are the same as any other


Realism, therefore, occurs as a conscious acknowledgment of the the cognitive product when new sensory input is compared against and finds a near twin with previous samples.

The uncanny valley? we want to align this sensory input with both "real" human and virtual human samples. cant find a home in either. were left confused.  Salvador Dali played this one hard.

a good book, good movie, game, can make u ignore most of what you take for granted -start afresh, like a child, free of our "burdens", and innocent.

1:07 bloody hell, good night

Only things perceived can be real, You can fully comprehend/connect with either game in the physical sense, their just pixels on a screen.

Art is a distraction, which makes you, if only for a second, forget about this life and sucked into theirs, and when you do that(what does that for you) all depends on your character, one guy might only forget this world when playing COD the another more so with OF.

Realism is in a sense, the ability to call something that isn't real - real. If in that split second you can.. become the painting, absorbing it, experiencing it (game movie etc...) and ignoring all other sensory input. Then - your experiencing realism.

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